Sunday 9 February 2014

Declaration of establishment The Political Council for Iraq’s Revolutionaries All Liberals uprising against injustice, corruption and the sectarian regime.

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Declaration of establishment
The Political Council for Iraq’s Revolutionaries
All Liberals uprising against injustice, corruption and the sectarian regime.
Since the start of the revolution lead by the Iraqi tribes, the revolutionaries have united their efforts to form military councils in the cities, towns and villages which comprise the political front to support the rights and revolution of the Iraqi people and to achieve the desired goals.
It has become clear that the political structure which combines the revolutionaries, members of the resistance as well as patriotic personalities will overthrow the current sectarian regime and establish a fair and democratic system.
In the light of the above, a conference has been held for the 45 military councils from all Iraqi northern and southern governorates. A number of expert patriots and men of religion as well as leaders of different Iraqi tribes have been assigned to define the requirements of the current stage and to consolidate the pillars of this blessed revolution.
In the light of the revolutionary political conference the revolutionaries have formed The General Political Council for Iraqi Revolutionaries which will include one member from each of the military councils. The General Council will take into consideration the current Iraqi situation and is based on the following principles:
1. Secure political support for the Iraqi revolution raising the voice of all Iraqis in the national community - asserting that the revolution against the current Iraqi regime corrupt is for all Iraqis without any discrimination based on ethnicity or sectarianism. 
2. Exert the effort to legitimately overthrow the corrupt and sectarian regime. 
3. Reserve and protect the unity of the whole of Iraq and refute all calls for division and to safeguard the Arabic and Islamic identity. 
4. Asserting that all Iraqis are equal in national rights and duties.
5. Ensure that there will not be any political gap after the overthrow of the regime and form a temporary transitional government as well as a temporary elected parliament which will take the responsibility of drafting the new constitution in accordance with political programme for liberation and independence.
In conclusion, we hereby call upon all Iraqi patriots and men of the tribes inside and abroad to support The General Political Council for Iraqi Revolutionaries and exert the effort to achieve the ultimate goal of overthrowing the current sectarian regime and clear Iraq from any forging interference. May justice, fairness and equality persevere in a dignified one Iraq. 
اللجنة الإعلامية / بريطانيا
شبكة البصرة

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