Human rights begin at home
The Common Ills
Jill Stein is the Green Party presidential candidate.
jill stein
- Why risk arrest to protest closed #debates
? Because we love our children & want them to live in a democracy. #OccupyTheDebates
- The establishment says that the political system we have and hate is the only way it can be. We must reject this and build alternatives now.
- Only a Green vote means:
Single payer health care
Abolishing student debt
Ending the War on Drugs
100% clean renewables by 2030
- 57% of US & a whopping 73% of independents want a new major party. Every vote for @GreenPartyUS helps to build it.…
- This is how the 2-party system perverts democracy. More people are voting out of fear than voting FOR a vision.
- VOTE: Jill Stein 2016 The Greater GOOD! nkb8#OccupyTheDebates
- The real reason the establishment is furiously attacking #SteinBaraka is that they see us building a party for the people, not the elites.
- Racism has been a big topic in #debates
- we need @ajamubaraka's voice included, not just white establishment politicians. #OccupyTheDebates
- Tim Kaine & Mike Pence are establishment politicians. No wonder they're afraid to debate @ajamubaraka a man of the people. #OccupyTheDebates
- There is only 1 person of color on a Presidential ticket - and the DNC/RNC-owned #debates
commission wants to silence him. #OccupyTheDebates
- My running mate @ajamubaraka will join the #debates
in real time. Tune in at 9 p.m. October 4! #OccupyTheDebates
- A Tampa-based #BlackLivesMatter
activist, Donna Davis, spoke about the urgent need for systemic change. #ItsInOurHands
- The power to create a new world is not in our hopes, it's not in our dreams — it's in our hands. #EnNuestrasManos
- Pushing Hillary Clinton to the left simply won’t work. She is not of, by & for the people but rather the billionaire class #SteinBaraka
- Join us at a benefit concert in Brooklyn featuring amazing musicians on October 7:…
- An avid supporter is offering free Jill2016 manicures! As I say, #ItsInOurHands!…
- My debate responses filled in holes that Clinton and Trump created during Monday's #debatenight
. #OccupyTheDebates
- The United States must abide by international law. Human rights begins at home. #SteinBaraka #ItsInOurHands
- Recklessly exporting more arms than any other nation is no way to stop terrorism. A #SteinBaraka presidency will end for-profit wars
- What we choose to spend the US budget on reflects priorities. When we spend 54% on the military and only 6% on Medicare that says something.
- 42.4% of American workers currently make less than $15/hr. That is 135 million workers. Everyone deserves at least a living wage. #15Now
- Hillary Clinton: "I am occupying from the center-left to the center-right." This means faking Left & marching Right.
jill stein
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