Wednesday 7 January 2015

Fighting Against Western Imperialism

FIGHTING AGAINST WESTERN IMPERIALISM compiles ten modified essays that were written during just a few months of the onslaught of the Western imperialism all over the world.

Andre Vltchek had traveled the world searching for parallels, similarities; comparing scenarios. He tried to grasp, and then to explain, how the Empire really works, how it selects its targets, which countries it decides to destroy and why? He studied the ‘opposition movements’ manufactured by Washington and London, and how they get implanted in so many different parts of the world; basically wherever people and their governments still dare to insist on defending their own national interests and choosing their own political as well as economic systems.

About the Author

Novelist, filmmaker, investigative journalist, poet, playwright, and photographer, Andre has covered dozens of war zones and conflicts from Bosnia and Peru to Sri Lanka, DR Congo and Timor Leste. He is the author of a novel Nalezeny, published in Czech. Point of No Return is his major work of fiction written in English and translated and published in French by Edition Yago. Other works include a book of political nonfiction Western Terror: From Potosi to Baghdad (translated into Turkish and published by Bilim + Gonul). Pluto publishing house in London recently published his provocative and critical book Indonesia: Archipelago of Fear. Together with Rossie Indira, he is responsible for a book of conversations with the foremost Southeast Asian writer Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Exile (translated into Korean, Spanish and Bahasa Indonesia). Non-fiction book Oceania is a result of his five years work in Micronesia, Polynesia and Melanesia and a damning attack against neo-colonialism in the Pacific. His latest book On Western Terrorism is written with Noam Chomsky. The plays Ghosts of Valparaiso and Conversations with James were translated into several languages including Spanish.

He has collaborated with UNESCO in Vietnam, Africa and Oceania through various publications including fiction books The Story of Ann and The Story of Moana.

Presently he is finishing writing his monumental political novel Winter Journey. He is a Senior Fellow at The Oakland Institute. He writes and photographs for several publications worldwide, corporate and progressive, including RT, CounterPunch, Z Magazine, Newsweek, Asia Times, People's Daily, China Daily, Irish Times, A2 and Asia-Pacific Journal (Japan Focus). He produced documentary films, including: 'Terlena – Breaking of The Nation', 'One Flew Over Dadaab', 'Rwandan Gambit'. His lengthy debate with Noam Chomsky on the state of the world is presently being made into a film. He produced several documentaries for South American TV Network TeleSur. He frequently speaks at major universities, including Columbia, Cornell, Oxford, Cambridge, Sydney, Hong Kong, Auckland and Melbourne.

Cofounder and Coeditor of Mainstay Press and Liberation Lit, he presently lives in Asia and Africa.

Andre can be contacted through his website or his twitter.
“Unlike mainstream media and even many “progressive” journalists, Vltchek regularly crosses into forbidden ideological territory and comes up with deeply revelatory scripts, insightful scenarios, telling details, and comprehensive analyses… This book is a richly informative and engaging collection of writings by a gifted analyst who deserves a vast audience.” MICHAEL PARENTI
“Andre Vltchek tells us about a world that few know, even when they think they do. That is because he tells the truth, vividly, with a keen sense of history, and with a perceptive eye that sees past surfaces to reality…”NOAM CHOMSKY
"The author of the book, Andre Vltchek, is one of a few noble knights of investigative journalism. He travels to all the dangerous places in the world, “speaks truth to the power,” and reports on the events on the ground. All of this in the hope people could open their eyes and minds and learn the seemingly incongruent fact that there are millions and millions of innocents, people like you and me, who were and still are being sacrificed in the name of the western-style democracy." ALEVTINA REA

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