Sunday 14 December 2014

169 Killed Across Iraq; Hundreds of UK Troops Returning

169 Killed Across Iraq; Hundreds of UK Troops Returning
by , December 12, 2014
At least 169 people were killed and 21 more were wounded.
Hundreds of British troops will be deployed to Iraq in the coming weeks.
Finance Minister Hoshiyar Zebari said Iraq is seeking to defer its 1990-91 war reparation payments to Kuwait due to a financial crisis created by falling oil prices and a war against the Islamic State militants.
Christian Iraqis have formed their first militia, Doekh Nawsha, in the plains northeast of Mosul.
Militants fired rockets on the holy city of Karbala as millions of Shi’ite pilgrims are in the city for Arbaeen observances. One person was killed, and he was a resident of the city. At least four people were wounded.
suicide bomber struck at a religious sit in Muqdadiya, where he and mortars killed five people. At least eight people were woundedTwo militants were killed in an airstrike.
In Ramadi, clashes left two policemen dead and two woundedEight militants were also killed. A family of 15 was killed in artillery fire. Fifteen militants were killed as they tried to rig a bomb truck.
Militants killed eight members of the Jesat tribe in Beiji.
Three people were killed and seven more were wounded in roadside bombings nearRiyadh.
A mortar killed a civilian in Duluiya.
A sniper killed an officer in Buhriz.
In battles to recover Mkeshiefa and Mutassim, thirty militants were killedOne commander and three men were killed in a booby-trapped home.
Eleven militants were killed in Hit in an operation that also left an Iraqi commander dead.
Security operations in Garma and Sijariya left 35 militants dead.
Peshmerga forces killed dozens of militants on Mount Sinjar.

Read more by Margaret Griffis

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